Adjunct Academy

Enter our Adjunct Faculty Locker Lottery
You must be a currently assigned Camden County College adjunct to be eligible for a locker.

We are delighted that you are interested in sharing your experience and expertise with our community. As an adjunct professor at CCC, you will be part of one of the premier educational institutions of the Delaware Valley, providing high quality, accessible, affordable education and occupational study to more than 30,000 students.

Adjunct instructors at CCC are part-time faculty engaged as non-tenure track instructors, teaching less than 15 contact hours per week and not employed in some other capacity by the College which, combined with their teaching responsibilities, would bring them up to a full-time position. Adjunct faculty are contracted on a semester-by-semester (or term) basis under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement between the College and the Adjunct Faculty Federation.

Most – but not all — adjunct positions require a Master’s Degree in a related field and some teaching experience at the college level. Requirements can vary, however, depending on the field of study. The first step in becoming an adjunct faculty member is to complete the online application and submit a resume at the Human Resources Department.

Your application will be reviewed by the department chair or program coordinator and an interview scheduled if appropriate. Adjunct faculty must have on file in the Office of Human Resources the following completed documents requested by the area dean’s office upon hire:

  • Application for Employment
  • Official College transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • W-4: Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
  • I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification link to form
  • Adjunct Faculty Data Form: Since the College uses information on this form in its database, adjunct faculty are required to update this form upon change of address, degree earned, etc.
  • State of New Jersey Alternate Benefits Program (ABP) form
  • Adjunct Pre-Employment Inquiry Release
  • Compliance Forms
  • Part-time Faculty Pension information

It is a state law that adjunct faculty who do not currently belong to the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) and who teach one semester must be enrolled in the Alternate Benefits Program (ABP). Adjunct faculty must enroll at the beginning of their first semester. Deductions begin immediately. All adjunct faculty must file a state of New Jersey ABP application immediately upon beginning their first teaching assignment at the College. ABP applications will be provided by the academic area dean. Adjunct faculty currently enrolled in PERS with the College will have the option to remain in PERS or transfer to ABP. It is imperative the forms be completed and returned to the Office of Human Resources. The Office of Human Resources must receive the enrollment applications before the first pay installment is released. Failure to do so will result in a forced ABP enrollment.

Support for Adjuncts


Adjuncts are invited to attend an orientation program at the start of the fall and spring semesters

Instructor’s Resource Guide

Download the Instructor’s Resource Guide.


All new CCC adjunct faculty may request a mentor during their first semester at CCC. CCC mentors are outstanding faculty members who are selected on the basis of their ability to serve as a resource and positive role model for new faculty. These individuals acquaint new faculty with CCC as an institution, and they pass on to new faculty the teaching wisdom they have acquired over the years. Mentors do not serve as evaluators or judges of new faculty. Instead, they offer an insider’s guidance and insights.

Sign-up to become a mentor.


Teaching observation is one factor in total evaluation of academic performance of the adjunct faculty.

Periodically, and at the request of the program chair, The Office of Academic Support will conduct classroom observations of adjunct faculty members. Adjuncts who teach face-to-face courses shall be observed for at least one hour of one classroom session. Adjuncts who teach online courses must meet with an observer to provide a demonstration of their course shell prior to an observation. In the case of online and hybrid courses, the observer will evaluate one learning module asynchronously within 24 hours after the demonstration.

Professional Development – Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The Teaching and Learning Center (CETL) at Camden County College inspires and enables faculty to enhance teaching potential and effectiveness so that students are more likely to achieve their desired learning outcomes. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning serves as a focal point for college-wide efforts to support the improvement of teaching and learning.

Center for Cultural Engagement

The CCE offers interesting and thought-provoking mini-courses and events to help teachers meet their professional development requirements and for community members to enhance their knowledge. Its goal is to create an informed citizenry through exploration of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and issues critical to a democratic society. Citizens have the opportunity to meet scholars, scientists, government officials and business leaders to explore historical and current issues and discuss societal problems and their solutions.

You can mix and match Center for Cultural Engagment (CCE) events with CETL workshops to fulfill your professional development requirement. Many CCE events are held in the evening in Civic Hall on the Blackwood Campus.


CCC’s Teaching Excellence Awards are given each year to outstanding adjunct faculty members who may be nominated by students, faculty, administrators or staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for becoming a member of the adjunct faculty?

Depending on the area of study, in most cases, you must hold a Master's Degree in a related field and some teaching experience at the college level. Complete the online application Submit the following completed documents upon hire:

  • Official College transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • W-4: Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate link to form
  • I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification link to form
  • Adjunct Faculty Data Form: Since the College uses information on this form in its database, adjunct faculty are required to update this form upon change of address, degree earned, etc.
  • State of New Jersey Alternate Benefits Program (ABP) form
  • Adjunct Pre-Employment Inquiry Release
  • Compliance Forms
How do I apply to become an adjunct instructor?

Complete CCC's online employment application at link

What is the hiring process?

Your application will be reviewed within the appropriate academic department, and you will be contacted to schedule an interview if further discussion is applicable We have automated our application process so that you must now apply on line for "Jobs at Camden County College". Not only will you now be able to apply on-line, but you may also use your same on-line application to apply for other positions that become available. You are able to check on the status of your application at any time by using your system login and password. When a position closes or is filled; you will receive an e-mail notification to let you know that you are no longer a candidate for that position.

What is the pay rate and pay schedule?

Each semester the Office of Academic Affairs will issue a memo identifying payroll dates and disbursement information. Full-time faculty overload checks are issued in seven (7) equal installments. Adjunct faculty will be paid biweekly beginning approximately four (4) weeks after the start of the semester. Adjunct faculty paychecks and direct deposit vouchers for the first six (6) installments will be mailed the day before payday. The division deans' offices will distribute final paychecks for adjunct faculty. Adjunct faculty members may pick up their final paychecks after posting their grades online, and submitting a copy of their Self Service "Final Grading Confirmation" Page and their course folders to the dean's office. If grades are posted online and your required documentation has been submitted, you may request to have your check mailed to you by calling your division dean.

Is an adjunct instructor eligible for benefits?

No, an adjunct is not eligible for benefits.

Is adjunct teaching guaranteed employment?

Adjunct faculty are contracted on a semester-by-semester (or term) basis under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement between the College and the Adjunct Faculty Federation.

Does CCC offer support for adjunct instructors?

CCC holds orientation programs for new and returning adjuncts at the start of the fall and spring semesters. CCC will provide a faculty mentor to new adjunct faculty and periodically conducts classroom observations of adjunct faculty. CCC encourages adjunct faculty to take advantage of professional development opportunities at the College and resources through the Library and the academic department.


Information about contracts and benefits and links to required forms, as well as job postings.

Map of the Blackwood Campus.

Adjunct E-mail

CCC email accounts are provided for all faculty members. Adjunct faculty members receive notification about their email accounts at the beginning of each semester. The Office of Information Technology will send information regarding these email accounts to the deans’ offices for distribution to adjunct faculty. If you need assistance, please contact the OIT HelpDesk, Extension 4900.

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The CETL supports the continuing improvement of instruction by offering programs and resources related to the individual professional development needs of faculty.

Public Safety

In addition to handling emergencies and safety issues, the Public Safety Department issues identification cards and parking decals. Check this page for information about those topics as well as for information about building access, emergency procedures and parking.


Information about library services and resources available to faculty.

Office of Information Technology

The Help Desk is the primary contact point for all technology related questions or requests including desktop computers and printers, application software, email, computer classroom labs, administrative systems, telephones and the voice mail system. In addition, the Help Desk provides information regarding the purchasing of computer hardware and software. The Help Desk can be reached by telephone at ext 4900 or by email at

The Division of eLearning

The Division of eLearning assists faculty with training and development of and technical issues related to their online or hybrid courses.